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Posted by wannabepicker on Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So, I am making progress, cured my BAS and what happens ...

A knife goes the wrong the way and I nearly cut off my left ring finger. A trip to the ER, 3 shots and 5 stitches later and I am on the banjo Disabled List for at least 2-3 more days minimum.

It is killing me.

5 comments on “Cruel”

bsa Says:
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @12:49:08 AM

Ouch! What a bummer. Hope you get better quick.


Brentk5s Says:
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @5:04:20 AM

You could swith to old-time...

From bluegrasswest.com, Pete's word:

"An OT (old time) banjo player can lose 3 right-hand fingers and 2 left-hand fingers in an industrial accident without affecting his performance."

Texasbanjo Says:
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @5:41:35 AM

Sorry about your injury. 

You could work on rolls, timing, tone while your left hand is healing.

the-fish Says:
Thursday, May 21, 2009 @7:00:51 PM

got any pictures?

frianm Says:
Monday, July 13, 2009 @1:30:49 AM

Happened to me a year or so ago - cutting floor tiles and the knife took a slice of the tip of my left index finger - stitches in the emergency room, huge bandage.  Eventually after the healing I was left with a fine new finger tip and a scar. Plays as well as ever.  The scar reminds me to be careful!

Hoping to hear from you on the Neotech strap - Ian

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