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I Walked that Pretty Girl Home

Posted by gailg64


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- Play count: 186

Size: 3,311kb, uploaded 5/8/2011 1:22 AM
Genre: Traditional / Playing Style: Other

3 comments on “I Walked that Pretty Girl Home”

gailg64 Says:
Sunday, May 8, 2011 @2:28:00 AM

From a disc of tunes given to me by Alice Gerrard. She and Andy Cahan recorded Luther in the late 70s-early 80s. I had visited him a couple of times with Alice or Nancy Dols (now Neithammer.) He lived to be 99 years of age & his memory remained sharp. He was a precious treasure trove of local folkways. He had been an auctioneer & had beautiful archaic style of speech and style of story telling. His musical repertoire & style were from another time. Though he played slowly, he fiddled almost to the end of his life. I always felt fingerpicked banjo seemed to go with it best because of the speed & phrasing. I will check, but I don't think this one was on Old Originals or The Old Time Way.

mojo_monk Says:
Sunday, May 8, 2011 @12:32:00 PM

Awesome!! I can't find this one in the Owen-Carter recordings of Luther so thanks for sharing, Gail. Wish I could've met the man. It's also absent from the "Old Originals" LPs. Not sure about "Old Time Way" since I've never been able to track down a copy of it. Thanks again. -Sean

gailg64 Says:
Sunday, May 8, 2011 @2:35:00 PM

Some time ago at a friend's house I saw a short film made at Luther's house around 1981 while visitors were there. From the soundtrack you can tell there were more, but you see Paul Brown & Nancy Dols. Luther was in the kitchen making biscuits for the guests and telling stories. I am wondering if it could have been made by Les Blank, who did Sprout Wings & Fly, the film about TOmmy Jarrell. here were several tunes, mostly in G, that Paul accompanied on the banjo in the Wade Ward-Charlie Poole style with bass runs and short arpeggios.
One time that my husband & I visited, he was working in his garden--he was about 95 at that time.

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