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Race, Class & Gender

Posted by Stev187 on Tuesday, January 22, 2008

[Content redacted at request of a BHO moderator]

5 comments on “Race, Class & Gender”

BanjoJones Says:
Tuesday, January 22, 2008 @11:11:29 AM

I was drawn to the title of your blog, which I saw on the community page. Good for you. I think this is a respectfully-written blog and perfectly acceptable, especially since it's your page. And, you didn't talk about any polarizing issue in depth, which I believe should be avoided. And, I agree about how politics/opinions affect how we view the world and, thusly, how we approach music.

Joanchek Says:
Tuesday, January 22, 2008 @11:57:20 AM

Steve, I also believe that this election is a seminal moment in American politics.  We are raising ourselves away from the council-of-old-men historical political system and opening doors for our children and grandchildren.  It's an exciting time, and I'm really pleased to be part of it. 

I was fortunate to be raised in a family where political discussion was encouraged and considered to be part of every day life.  As kids, my sisters and I learned to think issues through, to consider both sides of an argument, and to make informed opinions.  I've taken that a step further, professionally--I am a consultant to firms who need information to make sound business decisions.

Folk and folk-based music is inherently political, I think.  It's hard to separate the way we think about music from the way we think about the world;  I have had to make a very concious (and difficult) decision to excise any political overtones from my own blog.  I can sympathise with your dilemma--I think you handled your post very well.

laojim Says:
Tuesday, January 22, 2008 @12:16:30 PM

Don't settle for being this or that just because your folks are.nnThink about what kind of a world you would like to have and go find a party or a denomination, any oen at all, that wants the same thing, or at least something similar and don't let them tell you to be realistic because realists are unrealistic. That's what I think.

Lynne Says:
Tuesday, January 22, 2008 @3:45:06 PM

Political or religious content is not allowed on blogs either.
I understand the need to post our feelings about politics, but please not on the BHO.

curtiseller Says:
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 @9:47:10 AM

Hmmm...what did you say?

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