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Hello Friends,
Greetings from Gainesville, Florida. Well, we are well into February, which places us just about a month before Suwannee Banjo Camp, March 16-18th (with an extra day on March 15th for those who want to come early). Our camp takes place at O’Leno State Park on the beautiful Santa Fe River in High Springs Florida. The river actually disappears, flowing underground to reemerge miles away. Each year the camp seems to get better, with plenty of chances to learn, to share and to dive deep into the river of banjo. Our world-renowned instructors cover a wide territory of banjo, from traditional and more modern styles of bluegrass, through clawhammer and up-picking old-time styles, and including minstrel, parlor (classical) banjo and even the African ekonting (akonting). We also have wonderful old-time fiddle track, plus classes in guitar, banjo set-up and more.
Our Instructors:
Old Time Banjo - Greg C. Adams, Cathy Barton Para, Mac Benford, Paul Brown, Mark Johnson, Brad Leftwich, Chuck Levy, & Ken Perlman
Bluegrass Banjo - Scott Anderson, Janet Davis, James McKinney, Alan Munde, & Tony Trischka
Old-time Fiddle - Erynn Marshall
Our Preliminary 2012 Schedule is now up on our website www.suwanneebanjocamp.com, click on the link near the top of the page ("Hot Off the Press: Our 2012 Schedule"), or go to our menu, select "Program & Schedule" and click on the link labeled "2012 Schedule."
Once again, here are the particulars.
Dates: Fri. thru Sun, March March 16-18, 2012 Location: O' Leno State Park, High Springs, Florida
The SBC "Extra Day" is Thurs evening March 15 thru Friday morning March 16.
More Information: http://www.suwanneebanjocamp.com or just email me at levyce@aol.com
Chuck Levy and Ken Perlman
3 comments on “Suwannee Banjo Camp around the corner.”
clarky Says:
Sunday, February 19, 2012 @2:03:00 PM
it was interesting to see the names of your instructors it so happens that here in the land of oz i own two learning bks written by tony trishka and ken perlman .i have found them invaluable
ChuckJo Says:
Sunday, February 19, 2012 @2:39:00 PM
Thanks Neville,
They are great guys. I hope you get to meet them some day.
clarky Says:
Monday, February 20, 2012 @11:05:00 AM
awesome dude i should live long enough, eh!
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