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Posted by Mr. Quimby on Thursday, April 12, 2007
In the continuing saga of my guy troubles...
I lost my hearing in my left ear about six years ago. Most of the time I don't have a problem. Well at least I think most of the time I don't have a problem. Every once in awhile I realize that I am missing more than I think I am. I really don't know how much I actually don't hear. And there are times when someone has said something to me and I "hear" something totally different. I don't even know when that happens. Like I was out to dinner one night and the waiter asked me a question. He was gesturing toward my plate. I really thought he said, "Do you want a box for that?" because I hadn't finished the food but I was obviously done eating. Then he took my plate away.
A few minutes later he came back with the bill. He asked "Is there anything else I can get you?" And I said, "Yeah, more iced tea would be really nice." My companion looked at me and said, "He just asked if you wanted more tea, just a couple minutes ago, and you said no."
I had no idea. I really thought he had been asking me about my food. I didn't even realize that I hadn't heard him until my friend said that. I know there are times I don't hear things and make a guess about what was said based on body language and the conversation, etc. But in this particular case I thought I had heard him. My brain was just pretending, I guess.
Which brings me to my current confusion. I thought things were going okay. I've been so confused about this friend of mine (a guy) and the changes in our relationship. I couldn't figure out what was happening--sometimes it seemed like he was "courting" me (paying for dinner, holding my chair out, etc.) and then he would say or do something and I would think I was misinterpreting his actions. He has been so adamant that he's not looking for a relationship.
But I thought I finally figured things out. I looked at everything that he's said and done around me and it really seemed to me that his "courting" behavior was just him being a gentleman. He opens doors and stuff like that. It's been a long time since I've been in a relationship and I figured I was misinterpreting his actions. And the last two times we've been out I've felt so much more at ease with him because I looked at what his actions and felt that they made a lot more sense from the perspective of him just being a nice guy and not him "courting".
So last night we went out. He wanted to get together with me to tell me about this woman he'd met and was casually dating. I was really happy to hear that he's actually seeing someone. From what he said, it didn't sound like a serious relationship in the offing, but he's been so bitter about women recently I was thrilled to find out he's actually going out with someone. And during dinner he told me all about her--where they'd met, how things had kind of progressed, etc. It really sounded like things were going well for him.
And the conversation went on from there. He's very soft spoken, so sometimes I have trouble hearing him in restaurants. But I was able to hear most of what he said. We had a good time. The only "glitch" in the evening was when he made a slightly flirtatious comment to me and I responded, "Well, you know, that's why you're dating someone. Talk to her about that." He didn't seem to be very happy with my response.
We left the restaurant and were standing outside while he was smoking a cigarette. We were still chatting and joking. Then it was time to say goodbye. So we hugged and he turned to walk to his car. And I swear he said "You know I'm waiting f
1 comment on “I hate being deaf sometimes...”
Ks_5-picker Says:
Friday, April 13, 2007 @6:49:35 AM
I would email him and tell him you had your wrong ear facing him and ask him what he said......I have a friend who is deaf in one ear also.She always turns her head and asks me to repeat.No problem if she just makes me aware of it.
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