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Visit to Cooperman Rims

Posted by frianm on Friday, February 27, 2009

Last week as part of getting to know better where I now live in Vermont I went to visit the Cooperman fife and drum factory in Bellows Falls.  It is only about 11 miles from our home.  What a delight to be there and see how they make the rims.  There are many just stacked up and awaiting the lathe.  There seems a variety of woods, and sizes.  They are friendly and helpful.  It seems they also make resonators.  Their clients include Gibson and Deering and they used to make for Stelling.  I was impressed and it looks as if they will help my future projects - All I need now is some necks and flanges!

Enough - off to Peru next week where I will play and not tinker whle learning the language - those who read this and pray - PLEASE do so!


3 comments on “Visit to Cooperman Rims”

mainejohn Says:
Friday, February 27, 2009 @7:24:26 AM

Hi Ian...I didn't realize you had already moved to VT. If you find yourself over this way, please let me know.

rot-n-dobe Says:
Friday, February 27, 2009 @8:16:03 AM

wish id known about you before you moved. i live in portage.

Klondike Waldo Says:
Saturday, March 21, 2009 @2:29:04 PM

Ian (Father Ian?) best wishes and prayers for your mission to Peru. I used to pass through Chester, VT on my way to Manchester, Dorset and Pawlet  to fish and hunt- seems like a lifetime ago.

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