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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Don't Call it a Banjo

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OldTymeBanjo - Posted - 03/26/2022:  06:25:05

Anyone interested in the Turkish cümbüs?

It comes in lots of interesting variations, but no 5 string banjo. Lots of them have double strings, I wonder how a banjo would sound with doubles. The saz often has two rows of double strings and one row of triple strings! Some fretless. The neck is birch, and the body is spun aluminum.



Edited by - OldTymeBanjo on 03/26/2022 09:26:47

banjonz - Posted - 03/26/2022:  12:43:12

Many, many moons ago a old retired friend made a 10 string banjo. He used to make banjos out of anything. This one had 5 pairs of strings tuned to standard G tuning. To be honest is sounded awful. He knew this but it was fun to make and see.

mrbook - Posted - 03/26/2022:  15:38:36

Gold Tone had or perhaps still has a 10 string banjo with double strings. Haven't heard it, tried it, or seen one other than photos. Interesting idea, though.

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 03/26/2022:  17:12:55

I have a cumbus but it needs adjustment so it's on the back-burner.

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