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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: A Good Dog, tribute to Toby

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OM45GE - Posted - 03/14/2022:  08:48:00

A year ago I had to have my best four legged friend Toby put down. It was about the hardest thing I’ve ever done. The memory brings tears to my eyes to this day. Thoughts of Toby put a smile on my face and joy in my heart.


Tribute to Toby

heavy5 - Posted - 03/14/2022:  08:56:18

Bill , I know the feeling & of digging in the frozen ground to bury our Husky , Jake . Hope I see him somewhere again !

OM45GE - Posted - 03/15/2022:  02:51:38

Thanks Bob. I think Toby was a better dog than I am a person so we may not end up in the same place, but we’ll see…

chuckv97 - Posted - 03/15/2022:  09:43:08

Nice tribute, Bill. We’re all gittin’ gray,,, sigh

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