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Goldstarman - Posted - 07/12/2013:  21:59:01

Just wondering how many fans were here? I absolutely love Sparks, his voice and songs are just Killer......listening to Brand new broken heart right now...lol

jwoods - Posted - 07/12/2013:  22:06:02

I like his older stuff with Ralph...



Goldstarman - Posted - 07/12/2013:  22:12:54

Yeah, I was just listening to that album called Travelin but the version played on you tube is not the one on Travelin although the poster has that album up. Its a great great tune though, I just cut it for a new album Im doing and Im pretty excited about it.

Martian - Posted - 07/13/2013:  04:30:52

Sparks is the man , the older he gets, the more I like him

myfavefive - Posted - 07/15/2013:  17:08:18

Larry had been my absolute #1 favorite singer in bluegrass bar none for a long time. The way he phrases any song makes it completely his own. He puts more genuine soul into every word than anyone, and the bouncy rhythm his bands always have shows he's maintained a unique style all these years. There's hotter bands and hotter pickers but if I'm making a desert island list, I'll take Larry every time. It's the right combination of bluegrass, real country, and mountain soul you can find. And most importantly, he seems to be a humble simple man that makes us all wish the world moved just a little slower like in days gone by.

oldwoodchuckb - Posted - 07/17/2013:  12:08:54

Been a Larry Sparks fan for almost as long as I can remember - course I can't remember what I had for lunch but, be that as it may...

alanjg1 - Posted - 07/17/2013:  13:22:50

I'm a long time Larry Sparks fan.

He's one of my all time favorites (along with Dave Evans).

Also, I agree with what Tom,  myfavefive,  said.


Edited by - alanjg1 on 07/17/2013 13:23:28

jbjo - Posted - 07/17/2013:  19:56:02

Love Larry Sparks' stuff! I think if I could be a banjo player in any touring bluegrass band, I'd want to be a Lonesome Rambler first! Such good stuff!

beegee - Posted - 07/18/2013:  03:24:16

I think Larry Sparks is one of the greatest bluegrass singers ever. His choice of material is really great. I think he's the Hank WIlliams of bluegrass, except he sings better. I don't know of a singer who has a more expressive voice, the blues-y style and the knack for doing good material that stands out above the field. 

steve davis - Posted - 07/18/2013:  06:32:08

I like his flatpicking,too.

RioStat - Posted - 07/23/2013:  13:24:14

Cox's Field Bluegrass Festival, Walker, West Virginia, circa 1981 - 82, Saturday night, about midnight after the stage had closed. Bunch of guys from several campsites sittin' around jammin'. A high tenor voice from the darkness..."Y'all mind if we pick with you?" Dr. Ralph and Larry Sparks walk up, pick and sing a half dozen songs with us, then say.." guess we'll see what's going on at some other campsites.." and faded back into the darkness of the campground. We all just sat there, stunned.

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