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O.D. - Posted - 03/01/2008: 21:20:33
Howdy Friends and Neighbors.
I jve added Lost Indian to my homepage sound files
I had to learn it in the key of D since all the tabs Ive found were in G. I play out of C and capo up 2 frets
Please pardon the midi drums on the second go around ,I tried to avoid that.
Thanks for your support.
Regards, O.D.
RONLD - Posted - 03/01/2008: 22:38:21
You are such a good picker O.D. everything you play sounds great,i enjoyed it-thanks!
Keep your friends close,and God even closer...
O.D. - Posted - 03/02/2008: 08:17:19
Thanks for the kind words RONLD. I am glad you enjoyed the tune.
Regards, O.D.
pdtek - Posted - 03/04/2008: 18:37:08
Well, it's too late You'e already come up with a nice arrangement in D. In case you were interested, there is another version out there in open D. Scott Vestal does a melodic version on the Bluegrass "97 album. Even has it out on tab.
Dave (B)
O.D. - Posted - 03/04/2008: 19:00:48
Hey Dave!!
Thanks for that info,I will check it out.
Regards, O.D.