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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Banjo sound opinion (Old Time Religion)

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nathan619 - Posted - 02/29/2008:  09:10:04

I've posed 2 different banjos playing Old Time Religion.

Can you guys give me your HONEST opinion of both #1 and #2 as far as sound goes? My playing's still kinda bad but I'll get there eventually.


#1 http://www.banjohangout.org/myhango...musicid=7376

#2 http://www.banjohangout.org/myhango...musicid=7377

Sullivan Festival Deluxe
RK-80 Recording King

philbywan - Posted - 02/29/2008:  09:20:44

I pick #2

Can you tell me the difference between the two - different banjos? miked differently? hand position?

Just curious. I am working on that same tune from Jack Hatfield's book, but it doesn't have that higher part in the middle. I wish it did, sounds good.

nathan619 - Posted - 03/01/2008:  08:31:15

Originally posted by philbywan

I pick #2

Can you tell me the difference between the two - different banjos? miked differently? hand position?

Just curious. I am working on that same tune from Jack Hatfield's book, but it doesn't have that higher part in the middle. I wish it did, sounds good.

It's 2 different banjos.

Sullivan Festival Deluxe
RK-80 Recording King

spiritwolf7 - Posted - 03/01/2008:  11:19:37

To my ear #2 is a considerably mellower & perhaps richer sound. #1 is rather brighter. Both were enjoyable but my ear leans toward the mellower sound of #2. Anyway, for what it's worth, that's my opinion.



vintagewells - Posted - 03/01/2008:  15:05:16

I go with #2 as well, It seems to go better with this song. Both sound good though.
good job

Love me, love my banjo
Aluminum Rims rule!

nathan619 - Posted - 03/06/2008:  09:30:44

The first was using the RK-80 and the 2nd was the Sullivan.

Sullivan Festival Deluxe
RK-80 Recording King

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