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WGE - Posted - 02/25/2008: 18:39:31
I've very much enjoyed RD Lunceford's "Cottom Blossom" CD and tab book. In particular I like the gCGCC tune "Old Jim Wren." I've been working this up and it is almost to a decent level. I've uploaded the MP3 as my first attempt at recording on the computer with Audacity and getting it up on the Hangout. It is on my homepage. So, RD I hope it isn't too hard on your ears. Your stuff is really cool.
Edited by - Banjoman on 02/25/2008 21:50:55
Bone - Posted - 02/25/2008: 20:41:08
Bill, I really liked it.
I'm working on that tune myself, but I'm nowhere near where you are with it.
OJW is my wife's favorite "Old Time" tune. I think it is destined to become an "Old Time" classic.
Rick Woods - Posted - 02/26/2008: 05:53:22
Fine job!
Sullivan Bardstown
Fender Leo
They ain't nothin' that a good banjo pickin can't cure! My therapy starts with three picks and five strings! YeeHaaw!!
R.D. Lunceford - Posted - 02/29/2008: 05:01:14
I am flattered that you like Old Jim Wren well enough to learn it.
I like your playing of it. I think the quicker tempo works really well
and your playing sounds great. Also, a fabulous sounding banjo.
I also like your rendition of Old Stepstone. Really good playing on both tunes.
Again I am flattered. You've made both tunes your own while staying true to the source.
This is the best possible return I could hope for.
Best Wishes and Thank-you;
R.D. Lunceford- "Missourian in Exile"
Model 1865 Bowlin Fretless Banjo
"Drink from the Musselfork once, and you'll
always come back." -Dr. Bondurant Hughes, 1917
Debbielee - Posted - 02/29/2008: 06:24:55
Bill, Great job. Oh yes...I think I must purchase the "Cotton Blossom" book for myself. I listened to both of your posted songs, they are wonderful.
Edited by - Debbielee on 02/29/2008 06:25:43
WGE - Posted - 02/29/2008: 07:02:02
R.D., I am humbled. As opposed to many other sources of tab, there is just something about your arrangements that seem to fall better on my fingers and on my ears. In addition, they often seem to have very nice rhythmic and melody features that give them great interest. It seems about half what I want to play now comes from "Drop Thumb" and "Cotton Blossom." Your Sandy Boys, Run, Rabbit, Run, Where You Goin' Rabbit, The Minstrel Boy, etc. are just great tunes. Thanks again from another "Missourian in Exile." Bill
P.S. I just wish the "record" button didn't immediately set me back three years in my playing!
Debbielee - Posted - 03/03/2008: 06:17:56
Ordered the "Cotton Blossom" Book/CD last night. Can't wait till it gets here.