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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Martha White Bus for Flat/Scruggs

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scaggs7 - Posted - 02/18/2012:  15:49:45


What year did Flat / Scruggs get the Martha white bus to tour with?

scaggs7 - Posted - 02/18/2012:  16:15:24

One reason I ask, I'm not sure  F/S had the Martha White bus at that time (Not sure).

anyway.... At Cabwaylingo State Park, Wayne Co. Wv. ,,at the Perry and Maynard Reunion .. mid 50s.. As Flatt /Scruggs were going off stage someone ask Scruggs to play, John Harding. Scruggs said he didn’t know the song. I’m sure he knew the song but the show was over and they were going to the next show/home.    I told him I knew the song….Can you imagine ,,, what a disaster that would have been,,, for me , just saying.. But I was only 13ish and loved the banjo with a passion and still do.

kmwaters - Posted - 02/18/2012:  16:34:43

Martha White became F&S radio sponsor in 53 so it had to be around that time.  Pic attached.

pjfolino - Posted - 02/18/2012:  16:41:07

Great photo - thanks for posting!

scaggs7 - Posted - 02/18/2012:  16:43:43


Do you know if F/S got the buss in 1953 or later??


Old memory at such a young age,,, you know..

In recollection--- I kinda think they had the bus???????

cabinwood - Posted - 02/18/2012:  17:24:07

According to the Jake Landers Biography on Lester Flatt " In the spring of 1956, Flatt and Scruggs purchased their first tour bus."

cabinwood - Posted - 02/18/2012:  17:27:14

In the photos section of the book it shows a well published photo of F&S in front of the bus and the caption reads 1955! Now I'm not so sure of the 56 date. One has to be wrong!

cabinwood - Posted - 02/18/2012:  17:35:29

In another book it says 1956 for the Flatt and Scruggs bus.

NCjones - Posted - 02/18/2012:  19:57:02

It was the spring of 1956.  Earl was in a car crash in October '55 in Knoxville.  A car ran a stopsign.  Earl and Louise were on their way home to see his mother who had had a stroke.  Gary and Randy were in the backseat and weren't seriously injured.   Earl broke his legs and pelvis in the crash.  He and Louise spent a month in recovery and eight months off the road.  After that he wasn't able to ride in a car for hours on end without pain.  The band bought a used bus, ripped the seats out of the rear, and put in bunk beds.

Edited by - NCjones on 02/18/2012 20:05:41

NCjones - Posted - 02/18/2012:  20:08:09


Originally posted by kmwaters

Martha White became F&S radio sponsor in 53 so it had to be around that time.  Pic attached.



That photo was taken much later in 1963.  L to R:  Jake Tullock, Billy Powers, Paul Warren, Josh Graves, Earl, and Lester.

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